Installation on a local computer#

The recommended approach is to install optimas in a conda environment.

Install mpi4py#

If your system has already an MPI implementation installed, install mpi4py using pip:

pip install mpi4py

This will make sure that optimas uses the existing MPI. The recommended MPI implementation is MPICH.

If you don’t have an existing MPI installation, the recommended approach is to install mpi4py from conda, including the MPI implementation corresponding to your operating system.

On Linux and macOS:

conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py mpich

On Windows:

conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py msmpi

Install from conda-forge#

conda install optimas --channel conda-forge

Install from GitHub#

This will install the latest development version with all dependencies.

pip install "optimas[all] @ git+"