Installation on Maxwell (DESY)#

Log into a Maxwell display node

ssh <username>

Create a profile.optimas file in your home directory with the following content

source /etc/profile.d/
module purge
module load intel.2020
module load maxwell cuda/11.8
module load mpi/mpich-3.2-x86_64
module load maxwell mamba
. mamba-init

you can do this from the command line by executing cat > ~/profile.optimas and pasting the lines above. To save the file, finalize by pressing Ctrl+D.

Load the source file

source ~/profile.optimas

Create a new environment for optimas

mamba create -n optimas_env python=3.11

Activate the environment

mamba activate optimas_env

Install mpi4py

pip install mpi4py --no-cache-dir

Install optimas with all dependencies if you plan to do Bayesian optimization (see Dependencies for more details).

pip install 'optimas[all]'

Installing FBPIC and Wake-T (optional)#

A common use case for optimas is to optimize the output of a plasma acceleration simulation with FBPIC or Wake-T (or both). If you need any of these tools, you can follow the instructions below to install them in your optimas_env environment.

Install FBPIC:

mamba install cudatoolkit=11.8
pip install cupy-cuda11x
pip install fbpic

Install Wake-T:

pip install Wake-T

Install openPMD-viewer for data analysis

pip install openPMD-viewer

Running an optimas job#

The following script can be used to submit an optimas job to Maxwell. This example sends the job to the maxgpu queue. It assumes that you need one node with 4 GPUs (NVIDIA A100) and that your optimas script is called


#SBATCH --partition=maxgpu
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --constraint="A100&GPUx4"
#SBATCH --job-name  optimas
#SBATCH --output    stdout
#SBATCH --error     stderr
#SBATCH --mail-type BEGIN,END

export SLURM_EXACT=1

# Activate environment
source ~/profile.optimas
mamba activate optimas_env
